On SingleStoreDB v8.0. Q&A with Shireesh Thota
SingleStore just announced v8.0 of their platform. What is special about it?
Read this Q&A with Shireesh Thota is Senior Vice President of Products at SingleStore
“The need for delivering data-driven insights and for companies to respond in real-time is critical for customers to compete in today’s on-demand service economy. Data in this era is fast, accessible, and immediate – known as modern data – and the architecture needed to support this type of data requires real-time applications that allow for scale and faster and more dependable connections to support mission-critical workloads. 8.0 is the latest version of our platform that features faster analytics, improved developer experience, and greater ease of use. This update sets SingleStore apart as the only unified database for transacting and reasoning with data in real time in a multi-cloud hybrid distributed environment.”
Full text of the interview: https://www.odbms.org/2023/01/on-singlestoredb-v8-0-qa-with-shireesh-thota/