Big data, big trouble
Big data, big trouble By Bernardo A. Huberman Director, Mechanisms and Design Lab HP Labs 1501 Page Mill Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA The interactive nature of the web has created research opportunities...
Operational Database Management Systems
Big data, big trouble By Bernardo A. Huberman Director, Mechanisms and Design Lab HP Labs 1501 Page Mill Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA The interactive nature of the web has created research opportunities...
Data Acceleration Architecture/ Agile Analytics By Thomas Zarinac, Principal Director, CTO Analytics ASG, Accenture Digital Through new hardware and software concepts such as In-Memory databases or Big Data technologies in general more and more...
DB Kernels that Require No Tuning by Stratos Idreos, Harvard University. Over the years database systems became extremely complex. This was necessary in order to accommodate the growing set of application requirements. As a result,...
EECS E6893: Big Data Analytics COURSE BENEFITS: Students will gain knowledge on analyzing Big Data. It serves as an introductory course for graduate students who are expecting to face Big Data storage, processing, analysis, visualization,...
It’s all in your Mind By Tetyana Loskutova Today Big Data equals big hype. It might be a strange idea at first, since the data was there from the beginning of computing; storage and...
Critical Success Factors for Analytical Models: Some Recent Research Insights Prof. dr. Bart Baesens Big data & Analytics: terms that frequently pop up in newspapers, magazines, airports or even during pub chats to pimp...
Operations Research as a Data Science Problem. By Matthew Eric Bassett, Data Science extracts knowledge from data. And most of this decade has been a’buzz with discussion on how businesses must learn to extract...
Programming MPC Systems White Paper — Maxeler Technologies Maximum Performance Computing Maximum Performance Computing (MPC) changes the classical computer science optimization from ease-of-programming to maximizing performance and minimizing total cost of computing. We maximize...
Sixth Workshop on Big Data Benchmarking The Sixth Workshop on Big Data Benchmarking (6th WBDB) was held on June 16-17, 2015 in Toronto, Canada. Program online Formed in 2012, the Workshop Series on Big Data Benchmarking has conducted five successful...
Data Wisdom for Data Science Bin Yu, Departments of Statistics and EECS, University of California at Berkeley (Invited note for ODBMS.ORG–The Resource Portal for Big Data, New Data Management Technologies and Data Science) In...