Databases and Patents
Databases and Patents Author: Mirco Bianco, Ing., Ph.D. Abstract: A database management system (DBMS) can be the final result of the implementation process of one or more ideas. In this one-page note, we are going...
Operational Database Management Systems
Databases and Patents Author: Mirco Bianco, Ing., Ph.D. Abstract: A database management system (DBMS) can be the final result of the implementation process of one or more ideas. In this one-page note, we are going...
Semantics 101 originally published at MarkLogic web site. Semantics \si-mæn-tiks\ noun Broadly speaking, semantics is the study of meaning either through language or logic. In the realm of knowledge management, the goal is to embed words or...
One Million NOTPM DBT2 Benchmark on NuoDB 2.3 By Dai Klegg, NuoDB, Sr Director of Product Marketing Throughout the development of our new Robins release (NuoDB 2.3), we’ve been benchmarking performance against our previous Larks...
Agile modeling and architecture under paradigm diversity. by Milan Kratochvíl, Senior modeling and architecture consultant,, Sweden. Author (w. Barry McGibbon) of UML Extra Light (Cambridge University Press). Many expert notes here mention non-relational paradigms, and these...
NuoDB Swifts Release 2.1 InDetail Paper by Philip Howard, Research Director/Information Management, Bloor Research. –Date October 2014 Key findings In the opinion of Bloor Research, the following represent the key facts of which prospective...
Big Data: Three questions to FoundationDB. Dave Rosenthal, CEO FoundationDB. Q1. What is your current product offering? Today we announced version 3.0 of our flagship product, the FoundationDB Key-Value Store. 3.0 comes with the same...
Browsing Linked Data Forest by Paolo Nesi, University of Florence. — December 2014 I started several years ago on parallel architectures for semantic computing, mainly for addressing back office problems behind large media companies...
Marc Linster, VP of Professional Services, EnterpriseDB Q1. What are your current product offerings? EnterpriseDB provides the following products: Postgres Plus Advanced Server is the flagship database product that integrates and extends PostgreSQL with...
Positional Delta Trees to reconcile updates with read-optimized data storage Sa ́ndor He ́man, Niels Nes, Marcin Zukowski, Peter Boncz Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands Abstract— We...
Linked Open Data Publication Strategies: Application in Networking Performance Measurement Data Renan F. Souza1, Les Cottrell2, Bebo White2, Maria L. Campos1, Marta Mattoso1, 1 Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2 SLAC National...