Dr. Victor Muntés-Mulero, CA Labs
Dr. Victor Muntés-Mulero is a Research Staff Member and Vice President and Research Director of CA Labs.
He is responsible for leading research that has the potential to impact the strategic direction of CA Technologies products and services. His duties include identifying opportunities within the company that can be transformed into research relationships performed in collaboration with university faculty and students. Prior to joining CA Technologies, Dr. Muntés-Mulero was an associate professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), where he performed research related to managing very large data volumes. Dr. Muntés-Mulero received his PhD in May 2007. His PhD studies were funded by IBM through its Center for Advanced Studies (Toronto, Canada), and were focused on very large join query optimization for relational databases. Besides his regular lecturing at UPC, he has also taught master courses related to relational database management systems and data stream processing and mining, at University of Reading (Reading, UK, 2003) and Pontifícia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia, 2011), respectively. Finally, he was one of the founders of Sparsity Technologies S.L., a spin-off started at UPC.