Big Data: A Data-Driven Society?
Big Data: A Data-Driven Society?
Roberto V. Zicari, Goethe University, Frankfurt Main, Germany,
Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium
4:15PM, Wednesday, October 29, 2014
NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building Room B3
In the first part of this talk, I will review how Big Data is enabling a data-driven economy, look at what to do with Big Data, and look at the consequences of a society being reshaped by “systematically building on data analytics”. In the second part of the talk, I will outline some of the Big Data research challenges in three areas: Data, Processes, and Management. I will then conclude making a case for Big Data for Social Good: my aim is to show that Big Data can be leveraged to better serve the people who generate the data, and ultimately the society in which we live.
Download Presentation (.PDF): Zicari.Stanford
About the speaker:
Roberto V. Zicari, professor of Database and Information Systems (DBIS) at the Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany. He is an internationally recognized expert in the field of databases. His interests also expands to Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He is the Director of the Big Data Lab at the Goethe University Frankfurt, and the editor of the web portal and of the ODBMS Industry Watch Blog. He is also a visiting professor with the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology within the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at UC Berkeley.