Why edge computing is critical for digital transformation
5G, edge computing, digital transformation, digital twins, machine learning and AI appearing together looks like a buzzword bingo. But there is a rational connection between these topics and technologies. In this trend report we look at how data lakes and streams give life to intelligence at the edge, why edge computing will be critical for digital transformation, and how 5G and MEC encourage edge intelligence to become pervasive.

Editor’s overview:
Data lakes and streams give life to intelligence at the edge
by George Malim
Data, communications and computing infrastructure are coming together but intelligence at the edge relies on new tools and processes. Can enterprises cope with the torrent of real-time data?

Analyst report:
Edge computing will be critical for digital transformation
by Jim Morrish, a founding partner at Transforma Insights
Edge computing may garner fewer headlines, but as a key enabler for solutions that utilise emerging technologies such as AI, 5G, cloud and IoT, it has become vital to the day-to-day operations of many enterprises.


5G and MEC encourage edge intelligence to become pervasive
with Dheeraj Remella by George Malim
VoltDB’s Dheeraj Remella tells George Malim how the challenges of edge intelligence are being addressed and why there will be no going back to centralised, remote architectures.

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