XML and Object-Oriented Database Technologies
I`d like to inform you of an interesting workshop which will take place in conjunction with ECOOP 2009, on July 6th 2009, Genova, Italy:
XOODB – 1st Workshop on The Marriage of XML and Object-Oriented Database Technologies and Their Future
The purpose of this workshop is from one side to identify the points for which the relational model is unbeatable to handle XML data, and those for which it is not good enough. From the other side, we wish to discuss interesting object-oriented concepts and technologies that can be successfully applied in the management of XML data, and to discuss future trends in XML data management, either in native or object-relational hybrid models, that can take advantages of developed object technologies. The challenge is thus to set up a strong synergy of OO and XML to solve the issue of the management of data in a heterogeneous environment as the Web.
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: 8 April 2009
Notification of Acceptance: 8 May 2009
Camera Ready Copy: 22 May 2009
For more info: Click Here