New Resources published on NoSQL Databases.
I published a few new resources in the NoSQL section of ODBMS.ORG.
1. New Articles, Papers, Presentations:
– “The Graph Traversal Pattern” by Marko A. Rodriguez and Peter Neubauer.
This article discusses the graph traversal pattern and its use in database computing.
In applied computing, since the late 1960s, the interlinked table structure of the relational database has been the predominant information storage and retrieval model. With the growth of graph/network-based data and the need to efficiently process such data, new data management systems have been developed. In contrast to the index-intensive, set-theoretic operations of relational databases, graph databases make use of index-free, local traversals.
-“HyperGraphDB, Motivation, Architecture and Applications” by Borislav Iordanov.
This is a presentation of a NoSQL data store given at the NoSQL workshop in Boston.
– “Rethinking Data Analysis and Reporting” by Joshua Greenbaum.
– “When Standard SQL Queries Can’t Get the Job Done” and “Comparison of Data Warehousing DBMS Platforms” by Joseph Foley, ”
These three articles make the case for a non relational database for data warehousing.
2. New Tutorials and Lecture Notes:
– “MongoDB Lecture Notes” by Michael Dirolf.
Copy of lecture notes for MongoDB.
3. New Links to Free Software:
– Apache Cassandra
– HyperGraphDB
– InfoGrid
– Neo4j
– OrientDB
– Hypertable
All these new resources can be donwloaded from OODMS.ORG (NoSQL).