What About ProxySQL and Mirroring?
By Marco Tusa | May 25, 2017 | In this blog post, we’ll look at how ProxySQL and mirroring go together. Overview Let me be clear: I love ProxySQL, and I think it is a great component...
Operational Database Management Systems
By Marco Tusa | May 25, 2017 | In this blog post, we’ll look at how ProxySQL and mirroring go together. Overview Let me be clear: I love ProxySQL, and I think it is a great component...
Advertisers need to quantify, in real time, which ads are generating conversions and which are not—and they must constantly revise ads, advertising venues, and placement among surrounding content on the fly to improve results....
cognoma : BY Daniel Himmelstein, Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Pennsylvania, in collaboration with the DataPhilly and Code for Philly meetups. This project puts machine learning in the hands of cancer biologists. BUILD A CLASSIFICATION ALOGRITHM...
Daniel Himmelstein is the creator of Hetionet – an integrative network of biology, disease, and pharmacology. ‘hetnet’ is actually a word coined by Daniel to describe networks with many types of relationships Hetionet is a hetnet...
BY Randal S. Olson, Ph.D. Senior Data Scientist, Institute for Biomedical Informatics. University of Pennsylvania Aside from my blog, I develop open source teaching materials for topics related to data science, data visualization, and machine learning....
By Jeff Leek @jtleek Find me on Github [papr] – A tindr like web-app for rating preprints from bioRxiv. Written by Lucy D’Agostino McGowan, Nicholas Strayer, and Jeff Leek. [Rail-RNA] Rail-RNA is software for alignment of multiple RNA-seq samples...
Jeff Leek, Steven Salzberg, James Taylor, Ela Pertea, Liliana Florea, Ben Langmead, and Kasper Hansen created a 7 course specialization in genomic data science. Some cool things about the program are: Every class runs every month. It is designed from...
Jeff Leek, Roger Peng, Brian Caffo, Nick Carchedi and Sean Kross created a 9 course specialization in data science. Some cool things about the program are: Every class runs every month. The course material is all open source and on Github. It...
This class was an 8 week introduction to Data Analysis, starting from very basic concepts of what type of data analyis questions you can ask, to how to get data and do a basic...
Provides an intensive introduction to applied statistics and data analysis. Trains students to become data scientists capable of both applied data analysis and critical evaluation of the next generation of statistical methods. Since both...