Multi-granularity Locks in an Object-Oriented Database
Daniel F. Lieuwen, H.V. Jagadish, AT&T Bell Labs DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Operational Database Management Systems
Daniel F. Lieuwen, H.V. Jagadish, AT&T Bell Labs DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Stefan Edlich Object database schema refactoring catalogue project LINK
Ernesto Damiani et. al., University of Milan A simple yet effective technique for interfacing an identity database with EJB technology. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Donghui Zhang, Northeastern University Tutorial including download link for NEUStore – a simple Java package for the construction of disk-based, paginated, and buffered indices. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Tore Risch, Uppsala University An object-oriented and functional system for querying distributed and heterogeneous data sources. LINK
Norman Paton, University of Manchester Very comprehensive lecture notes on object databases. DOWNLOAD (PDF) or (PPT)
Philippe Roose, LIUPPA/Laboratoire d’Informatique Appliquée de l’UPPA How to access data in Java from RDBMS via JDBC. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Carl Olofson, IDC Object databases excel as embedded databases, fueled by open source offerings. LINK (PDF)
Panagiotis I. Chountas, University of Westminster Great lecture notes and script on object persistence and ODBMS. DOWNLOAD (PDF)