RxO system. Simple semantic approach for representation complex objects data in table form..
Evgeniy Grigoriev, 2011 DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Operational Database Management Systems
Evgeniy Grigoriev, 2011 DOWNLOAD (PDF)
By Reinhold Thurner August 2011: Conceptual models are a generally accepted approach to develop abstract models of the real world. ECM takes this concept one step further and uses a conceptual model also as a...
White Paper, Couchbase. This white paper introduces the basic concepts of NoSQL Database technology and compares them with RDBMS. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Dr. Reinhold Thurner, Metasafe GmbH and Dr. Wolfgang Martin, Wolfgang Martin Team. Agile and industrialized IT Management creates sustainable value to the business. It is a best practice and gives the ultimate answer to...
Stefan Arbanowski, Fraunhofer Institute, FOKUS. This white paper presents the result of user benchmarks between the Versant Object Database and MySQL conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute, FOKUS. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
William O´Mullane, European Space Agency, and Vik Nagjee, InterSystems. This report shows the proof-of-concept conducted by the European Space Agency and InterSystems, where sample astrometic data (5 billion Java objects) were inserted into Caché...
Rodriguez, M.A., Neubauer, P. 2nd International Workshop on Graph Data Management (GDM’11), International Conference on Data Engineering Proceedings, pages 128-131, doi:10.1109/ICDEW.2011.5767613, IEEE, Hannover, Germany, April 2011. LINK (arXiv preprint)
Mark Massias, System Engineer, InterSystems. A global provider of mobile telecommunications software tested the performance of Intersystems Caché and Oracle as the database in a simulated data mart application. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Jason Hunter, MarkLogic Corp. This paper describes the MarkLogic Server internals: its data model, indexing system, update model, and operational behaviors. It’s intended for a technical audience — either someone new to MarkLogic wanting...