Kx: Benchmarks

Kx is a member of the STAC Benchmark™ Council (the Securities Technology Analysis Center), a respected independent association that runs comparative tests on hardware and software systems to validate their speed and robustness in time-sensitive work situations.

STAC benchmarks:

  • are developed collaboratively by users and vendors;
  • focus on real business needs (currently in the financial services industry);
  • address Big Data, big-compute, and low-latency workloads.

In test after test over the past several years, STAC benchmarks have demonstrated excellent performance for kdb+, validating its position as the software of choice for addressing many of the most difficult problems in the industry today.

Here are some resources for learning more about kdb+ and q benchmarking results:

  • STAC announcement of Intel, IBM, and kdb+ results (WEB)
  • IBM Redpaper (WEB)


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