Marriott Rebuts Greene

ODBMS.ORG, the Internet’s most up-to-date educational and research portal on object database technology, today announced that its expertAdrian Marriott has contributed a whitepaper to rebut an earlier contribution by fellow expert Robert Greene. The paper, titled “OODBMS Architectures Revisited”, is available for immediate and free download from the portal’s Expert Section.

Marriott, Principal Consultant at Progress Software, corrects what he believes are some incorrect statements made regarding page-based server architectures by Robert Greene from Versant. The author addresses the subjects Greene discusses in the order that they appear in his paper. To help orient the reader the original headings are included, and the offending passages are quoted, before the author examines Greene’s claims.

New Contributions from Objectivity

The portal has also published a new contribution by Andrew Wade from Objectivity with a paper titled “Hitting the Relational Wall“. This paper makes the case for selecting an object database when the applications require information models to support relationships, new data types, extensible data types, and direct support of objects.

In the meantime, Objectivity has followed the call of ODBMS.ORG for free software by providing a 60 days free trial download of Objectivity/DB, the scalable, high performance distributed ODBMS product for C++, Java, Python, Smalltalk or SQL/ODBC applications running on Linux or Windows.

Subieta Joins ODBMS.ORG’s Panel of Experts

Kazimierz Subieta, professor at the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, and Dr. Angela Bonifati from the Italian National Research Council have joined ODBMS.ORG’s panel of experts.

Prof. Subieta and his team have developed the Stack-Based Approach (SBA) and Stack-Based Query Language (SBQL), which are influential in the current discussion of the 4th generation standard for object databases. Today, on December 6, Subieta will demonstrate a prototype at the meeting of OMG’s Object Database Technology Work Group in Washington, D.C.

Subieta also contributed a paper to ODBMS.ORG describing the motivation, general assumptions and architecture of Odra project, a next-generation object-oriented environment for rapid database application development.

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