Category: about/contributors/
Dr. Ramon Lawrence is an associate professor of computer science at the University of British Columbia, Canada. His research interests are database systems, embedded devices, and wireless sensor networks. He is the founder of...
Kai Sachs is a member of the Lifecycle & Cloud Management group at SAP AG. He received a joint Diploma degree in business administration and computer science as well as a PhD degree from...
Srivathsan Srinivasagopalan is a Senior Architect at Cognizant. He works primarily on data science and network science – all on massive data sets. He holds a Ph.D. in Theoretical Computer Science from Louisiana State...
Benjamin De Boe is Product Manager for Unstructured Data at InterSystems. In this role, he works with development, marketing and sales staff to ensure InterSystems customers can fully leverage all of their data, structured...
Christian S. Jensen is an Obel Professor of Computer Science at Aalborg University, Denmark. He was a Professor at Aarhus University for a 3-year period from 2010 to 2013. Prior to that, he was...
Dr. Michael L. Brodie Dr. Brodie has over 40 years experience in research and industrial practice in databases, distributed systems, integration, artificial intelligence, and multi-disciplinary problem solving. He is concerned with the Big Picture...
Tamara Budec is a Vice President Portfolio Operations at Digital Realty where she runs Data Center Services function. In this role Ms. Budec is responsible for development and execution of the firm’s service offering...
Dr. Matthias Ziegler leads the Emerging Technology Innovation team in Austria, Switzerland and Germany at Accenture. With his team, Dr. Ziegler scouts and evaluates emerging technologies with a focus on the business value they...
Jonathan Ellis Jonathan is Project Chair of Apache Cassandra and CTO and co-founder of DataStax. Prior to his work on Cassandra, Jonathan built a multi-petabyte, scalable storage system based on Reed-Solomon encoding for backup...
Scott Jarr, VoltDB Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer Scott Jarr is a technology visionary who brings over 20 years of experience building, launching, and growing groundbreaking software companies. In 2010, Scott co-founded VoltDB after realizing the opportunities available to businesses that...