Aspect-Oriented Database Systems
A. Rashid, Aspect-Oriented Database Systems, Springer, 2004, ISBN 3-540-00948-5
Operational Database Management Systems
A. Rashid, Aspect-Oriented Database Systems, Springer, 2004, ISBN 3-540-00948-5
A. Kemper and A. Eickler, Datenbanksysteme. Eine Einführung (In German), Oldenbourg, 2004 (5th edition), ISBN 3-486-27392-2
W. Rahayu, D. Taniar, and E. Pardede, Object-Oriented Oracle, IRM Press, 2005, ISBN 1591408105
J. Kauffman, T. Thangarathinam, Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 Databases Beta Preview, Wrox, 2005, ISBN 0764570811
S. Bressan, B. Catania, Introduction to Database Systems, McGraw-Hill Education, 2005, ISBN 0071246509
D. Litchfield, C. Anley, J. Heasman, and B. Grindlay, The Database Hacker’s Handbook : Defending Database Servers, Wiley, 2005, ISBN 0764578014
K. V. Andersen, J. Debenham, and R. Wagner (editors), Database and Expert Systems Applications : 16th International Conference, DEXA 2005. Copenhagen, Denmark, Springer, 2005, ISBN 3540285660
Batini, Carlo, Scannapieco, Monica. Data Quality. Concepts, Methodologies and Technique, 2006, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-33172-8. Data-Centric Systems and Applications. Sample Chapter 1 (.PDF).
Lightstone, Sam; Teorey, Toby; Nadeau, Tom,Physical Database Design. The database professional’s guide to exploiting indexes, views, storage, and more Morgan Kaufmann, March 2007, ISBN 9780123693891. Discount code for ODBMS.ORG members is 98834.
Petkovic, Milan; Jonker, Willem (Eds.)., Security, Privacy, and Trust in Modern Data Management. 2007, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-69860-9. Data-Centric Systems and Applications. Sample Chapter 6 (.PDF), TOC(.PDF).