038.04 A Comparison between JDO, Serialization, JDBC
David Jordan A Comparison between Java Data Objects (JDO), Serialization, JDBC for Java Persistence. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Operational Database Management Systems
David Jordan A Comparison between Java Data Objects (JDO), Serialization, JDBC for Java Persistence. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
David Jordan Reprinted with permission from Java Report. © 2001, by 101communications LLC. All rights reserved DOWNLOAD (PDF)
David Jordan Reprinted with permission from Java Report. © 2001, by 101communications LLC. All rights reserved DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Antony Hosking, Jiawan Chen PM3 is an extension of the Modula-3 language, supporting persistence by reachability from named persistent roots. LINK (PDF)
Thad Scheer, Theresa Smith, Lockheed-Martin Mission System The article presents a user experience of implementing object persistence using a relational database and illustrates the technical problems related this choice and the alternative of using...
Joe Celko and Jackie Celko, Byte A defense for ODBMS at the height of the battle against RDBMS that cleans up with some common misconceptions of ODBMSs. Though old still true. LINK
Quintin Cutts, Antony Hosking LINK (PDF)