Category: Books

Demystifying OWL for the Enterprise

Demystifying OWL for the Enterprise Michael Uschold, Semantic Arts, Inc. ISBN: 9781681731278 | PDF ISBN: 9781681731285  The Web Ontology Language (OWL) is an essential ingredient in the stack of semantic web technologies, and the need for ontologists...

Ontology Engineering

Ontology EngineeringElisa F. Kendall , Thematix Partners LLC Deborah L. McGuinness , Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteISBN: 9781681733081 | PDF ISBN: 9781681733098  This book is designed to provide the foundations for ontology engineering. It is motivated by the Ontology...

guistic Fundamentals for Natural Language Processing: 100 Essentials from Semantics and Pragmatics

Emily M. Bender, University of WashingtonAlex Lascarides, University of Edinburgh     The purpose of this book is to present a selection of useful information about semantics and pragmatics, as understood in linguistics, in a...

Multi-Armed Bandits: Theory and Applications to Online Learning in Networks

 Qing Zhao, Cornell University  Multi-armed bandit problems pertain to optimal sequential decision making and learning in unknown environments. Since the first bandit problem posed by Thompson in 1933 for the application of clinical trials, bandit...

Age of Information: A New Metric for Information Freshness

 Yin Sun, Auburn UniversityIgor Kadota, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyRajat Talak, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyEytan Modiano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology   Information usually has the highest value when it is fresh. For example, real-time knowledge about the location, orientation, and...

Industrial Applications of Machine Learning 1st Edition

Pedro Larrañaga, David Atienza, Javier Diaz-Rozo, Alberto Ogbechie, Carlos Esteban Puerto-Santana, Concha Bielza CRC Press Published December 10, 2018 Reference – 336 Pages – 107 Color Illustrations ISBN 9780815356226 – CAT# K346412 Series: Chapman...

Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Networks 1st Edition

Mazin Gilbert Chapman and Hall/CRC Published October 2, 2018 Reference – 392 Pages – 135 B/W Illustrations ISBN 9780815355311 – CAT# K346311 Series: Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series  For InstructorsRequest Inspection...