Tagged: Lecture
003.01 Object Oriented Databases
Adam Stevenson, Texas A&M University Lecture notes on object databases. DOWNLOAD (PDF) or (PPT)
Advanced Databases
Jérôme Darmont, ERIC, Université Lumière – Lyon 2 Object programming in databases (with applications in Oracle SQL and PL/SQL). LINK
Java Network: RPC and RMI Mechanisms Using Java
Philippe Roose, LIUPPA/Laboratoire d’Informatique Appliquée de l’UPPA On serialization of Java objects, RPC and RMI. DOWNLOAD (PDF) or (PPT)
Database Curriculum Examples
Suzanne W. Dietrich, Susan D. Urban Associated with the book: An Advanced Course in Database Systems: Beyond Relational Databases,Prentice Hall, 2005. LINK
Object Persistence Design Guidelines
Peter Forster, Winterthur Insurance Design Guidelines when persisting objects in a relational database. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
004.02 Object Persistence
Jim Paterson, Bell College Great lecture notes and script on object persistence and ODBMS. DOWNLOAD (PDF) or (PPT) | DOWNLOAD Script (PDF)
Persistenz von Objekten
Serge Shumilov, University of Bonn Very comprehensive (197 pages) lecture notes on Object Persistence strategies incl. ODBMS, RDBMS, JDBC, SQLj, OR-Mappers incl. Hibernate, JDO, EJB DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Java and Databases
Chris Smith, MindIQ Persistence strategies for Java; incl. EJB, Hibernate, JDO and db4o. DOWNLOAD (PDF) or (PPT)
Object Prevalence
Harri Porten, KDE Community World Summit 2004 A presentation on ODBMS and object prevalence. LINK