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Operational Database Management Systems
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TPoX is an application-level XML database benchmark based on a financial application scenario. It is used to evaluate the performance of XML database systems, focusing on XQuery, SQL/XML, XML Storage, XML Indexing, XML Schema...
The OSDB project`s aim is to define an object-oriented, database-independent, and system-independent benchmark to enable individuals to analyze the performance of a variety of database and system configurations. The MySQL DBMS plugin is available....
VoltDB 4.0 release (January 29, 2014) VoltDB is an in-memory relational database designed specifically to solve the big data velocity problem. Download White Paper (VoltDB Technical Overview.PDF). Link to Download VoltDB 4.0 .
NuoDB 1.0 Launch (January 15, 2013),Watch Video. NuoDB is a NewSQL Cloud Database (launched January 15, 2013. SQL compliant, ACID trnsactions, scale out/in elastically on decentralized resources in the Cloud. Link to the NuoDB 1.0...
NuoDB, Link- download of the document is possible only with registration.
Peretz Shoval, Dept. of Information Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel Abstract In the analysis phase of the information system development (ISD), the users’ requirements are studied and defined. In most ISD methodologies, the...
VoltDB, Abstract Designed by DBMS pioneer Mike Stonebraker for organizations that have reached the price/performance limitations of general purpose SQL databases, VoltDB is a NewSQL database that combines the proven power of relational processing...
Raima Creating a good JDBC application can be a very tough job. If you are new to JDBC, or even Java itself, this is a good place to start. Below is a guide to...